Cloud or local neural networks: determining the benefits for your project

Cloud or local neural networks: determining the benefits for your project

With the growing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in various industries, more and more companies and developers are faced with the question of whether to deploy AI models locally on their own devices, on servers in a data center, or to use cloud services from a provider.

The choice between on-premises and cloud deployment has far-reaching implications for enterprises or software developers. Performance issues, data privacy, dependence on external services, flexibility of customization, scalability of the solution, and long-term cost to the business all depend on it. The right approach has a direct impact on the overall efficiency, cost, and success of an organization's AI deployment.

Local AI models run directly on users' endpoints, such as smartphones, embedded systems, or servers in the data center. In contrast, cloud-based AI models are hosted and maintained on the infrastructure of public cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. Developers interact with these models through APIs, sending data to the cloud and receiving results back.

In this article, we explore the benefits and compromises of on-premises and cloud-based AI models, key criteria for choosing the right option, and the potential for a hybrid approach that combines the best of both worlds. A clear understanding of the options will help you make an informed decision about deploying AI systems that best meet your organization's specific challenges and needs.

Local models on user devices

Deploying artificial intelligence neural network models locally on end-user devices, such as a server in a data center, provides full control over model performance, privacy, and lifecycle management. This approach is used for mission-critical applications, big data, industrial solutions, and other scenarios where data processing must take place in a secure environment.

Technology giants such as Google, Apple, Qualcomm, and others offer optimized libraries and tools for integrating pre-trained computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, and other models into mobile applications. For example, the Google Mobile Vision API enables face, text, object, and barcode recognition models on Android and iOS smartphones.

Major vendors such as Nvidia, Intel offer hardware accelerators and platforms for optimal deployment of AI models in data centers. Local models can take advantage of all available processing power, including GPUs.

Compact neural networks, specially optimized and compressed to run on devices with limited resources, are typically used for local deployment. Models such as MobileNet, SqueezeNet, YOLO provide sufficient accuracy with small size and low memory and processing requirements.

The key advantages of local AI models in the data center are:

  1. High performance and low latency due to proximity to data sources and local resources.
  2. Enhanced security and adherence to strict privacy policies by isolating sensitive data in a private infrastructure.
  3. Independence from external cloud providers and Internet connections.
  4. Ability to deeply customize, optimize, and adapt models for specific tasks.

However, local AI models also have limitations. Their size and performance are limited by available local computing resources. They are typically inferior in accuracy and functionality to more sophisticated cloud-based models. In addition, additional effort is required to propagate local model updates to all devices.

In general, the local approach is appropriate for latency-critical and privacy-critical applications. The right compact local model can run efficiently directly on the device.

Proprietary cloud-based models

Unlike the on-premises approach, cloud AI services provide access to powerful proprietary neural network models through APIs in the providers' cloud infrastructure. Major players in the cloud AI services market include Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, IBM Watson, and other technology giants.

These companies invest huge resources in research and development of advanced machine learning models for various tasks - computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, image synthesis, and many others. The most advanced and accurate neural network architectures, trained on massive amounts of data, are deployed in the cloud.

Providers offer access to their proprietary models through convenient cloud APIs and services. Developers can easily integrate these powerful AI solutions into their applications by sending queries to the cloud and receiving results back. Examples include Amazon Rekognition for computer vision, Google Cloud Natural Language for text processing, Microsoft Azure Cognitive Speech Services, and many others.

The key benefits of using cloud-based AI models are:

  1. Access to advanced algorithms and high-fidelity models that vendors are constantly improving.
  2. Scalability and high availability through cloud infrastructure, automatic load balancing.
  3. No need to deploy and maintain models; the cloud provider does it all.

However, there are disadvantages to cloud-based AI services:

  1. Dependence on availability of cloud providers and internet connection.
  2. Confidential data is shared with a third party, which may raise security concerns.
  3. Limited ability to customize and optimize proprietary models for specific tasks.
  4. Risk of vendor lock and overpaying for cloud resources as you scale.

Cloud-based proprietary AI models are suitable for projects where maximum accuracy and performance are critical and privacy issues are not a priority. The benefits of using advanced models outweigh the dependence on cloud infrastructure. When chosen wisely, cloud-based AI services can provide powerful capabilities to solve complex problems.

Criteria for selecting the type of deployment

When choosing between on-premises and cloud deployment of artificial intelligence models, several key factors must be carefully evaluated to determine the best approach for a particular project or business problem.

  • Performance and resource requirements

    On-premises models are limited by the computing resources available on the device. Cloud-based models scale almost infinitely. Therefore, if a project requires maximum performance and accuracy of AI models, a cloud-based approach may be preferable. If performance requirements are moderate, the local approach may be appropriate.

  • Security and privacy considerations

    For applications that handle sensitive or confidential data, on-premises models, where information never leaves the device, provide a higher level of security. With cloud services, there is always the risk of data leakage. The level of privacy required will significantly influence the choice of approach.

  • Budget limitations

    Using cloud-based AI services involves fixed costs for cloud resources and often high scaling costs. Deploying local models requires a one-time investment in hardware. For budget projects, the local option may be more cost effective in the long run. Demand for detailed model customization and specialization On-premise solutions provide more opportunities for deep optimization and fine-tuning of AI models to address specific business challenges.

  • Demand for detailed model customization and specialization

    On-premise solutions provide more opportunities for deep optimization and fine-tuning of AI models to address specific business challenges.

The choice between on-premises and cloud-based AI is essentially a compromise between performance, security, cost, and flexibility. On-premises models are preferable for projects with high accuracy and data security requirements and limited budgets. When maximum performance, scalability, and no strict privacy restrictions are critical, a cloud-based model may be the optimal choice.

Hybrid approach

While on-premises and cloud deployment of AI models are often seen as mutually exclusive options, in practice, many companies and developers are opting for a hybrid approach that combines the benefits of both paradigms.

The hybrid architecture allows local models on user devices to be combined with cloud-based AI services to create efficient and scalable solutions. The key idea is to balance the load between local and cloud components depending on the task requirements.

Here are some examples of using the hybrid approach:

  1. Pre-processing locally, finalizing processing in the cloud.
  2. Local models can perform data pre-processing, such as face/object detection in images, while complex classification or recognition tasks are sent to the cloud.
  3. Working locally, learning in the cloud.
  4. Pre-trained models are deployed locally for rapid deployment, and periodic model retraining is performed in cloud environments with large computing resources.
  5. Local operations, cloud backup/scaling.
  6. Local models are used by default, and during peak loads, some traffic is redirected to cloud services for scaling.
  7. Offline local work, cloud for syncing.
  8. Mobile applications use local models for offline operation and synchronize data to the cloud when the Internet is available.

Hybrid solutions combine the benefits of on-premises components, such as low latency, data protection, and energy efficiency, with the scalability, high capacity, and upgradability of cloud services.

However, implementing a hybrid architecture requires additional effort to design, integrate, and orchestrate interactions between on-premises and cloud components. Clear strategies for load balancing and fault tolerance are required.

Hybrid approaches offer the best of both worlds — performance, cost-effectiveness, and adaptability to different environments. For complex AI deployments with multiple requirements, a hybrid is often the optimal solution.

Development prospects

As machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies advance, both on-premises and cloud-based model deployment paradigms will improve.

On the local model side, we see continued improvements in compression algorithms and optimization of neural networks for efficient operation in resource-constrained environments. New compact architectures specifically designed to run on embedded devices such as microcontrollers and smart sensors are emerging. The concept of edge AI is becoming increasingly popular.

For local deployments in data centers, we will see the rise of specialized hardware accelerators such as GPUs and AI chips. New distributed system architectures will emerge, making it easier to manage AI clusters across the enterprise.

Cloud providers will also continue to evolve their neural network models, improving their accuracy and performance. We will see the emergence of improved environments for training models, visualizing experiments, and automating basic machine learning workflows. Federated learning technologies will also evolve, allowing models to be trained together on distributed data without pooling.

In addition to traditional cloud services, decentralized solutions based on blockchain and distributed systems are emerging to deploy AI models with enhanced security and privacy guarantees.

In addition, a hybrid approach to AI is gaining popularity, integrating on-premises and cloud-based components into a single platform. Automatic load balancing, orchestration of data flows, and the ability to combine different models will maximize the efficiency of AI deployments.


The choice between on-premises and cloud deployment of AI models determines the architecture, performance, security, and cost-effectiveness of an AI solution. Understanding the benefits and compromises of each approach is critical to the successful deployment of AI technologies.

Local models offer performance control, improved privacy, and independence, but require an initial investment in infrastructure. Cloud services offer access to advanced, scalable AI models, but come with data security risks and dependence on cloud providers.

Hybrid architectures that combine on-premises and cloud components are often the optimal solution for balancing performance, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness in complex AI systems.

When choosing between different options, it is important to carefully evaluate the project's requirements for performance, privacy, budget, and other critical factors. Choosing the right deployment paradigm can be the key to successfully realizing the benefits of artificial intelligence and creating competitive products and services based on it.

If you are considering localized deployment of AI models for your business, we offer state-of-the-art performance servers that are ideal for this purpose. As an authorized GIGABYTE partner, we can provide you with the best hardware for your AI projects, which can be leased or owned at the most cost-effective price.

By renting a server, you can quickly deploy the infrastructure you need without a large upfront investment. You can easily scale resources to meet the growing needs of your business.

The purchase of your own server from GIGABYTE will give you full control over the equipment and will allow you to carry out all kinds of projects, even the most complex ones.

Don't miss the opportunity to take your business to the next level! Contact our managers now and we will help you find the optimal solution for your tasks.


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