Cyber Monday: if you didn’t have time on Friday…

Cyber Monday: if you didn’t have time on Friday…

Monday after American Thanksgiving Day is called Cyber Monday. This day and Black Friday give rise to a large-scale sales season, not only in the USA but also in many European countries. And if Black Friday most often takes place in offline stores, Cyber Monday, as the name implies, offers discounts in the virtual space and allows people to continue shopping right in the office. It’s about a month before Christmas and New Year, right now, many are starting to buy gifts to their relatives and friends, and the owners of online stores and service sites have every chance to get a lot of new customers and get the profitable end of the year.

But what if the site is not ready for an influx of visitors in the sales season? Advertising campaigns, newsletters with promotional offers can provoke a surge in traffic of an Internet resource, and if it is hosted on a shared hosting or on a weak server, it can not withstand the load and "fall".

Similar troubles occur even with large companies: last year, H&M, Gap, Macy's, Lowe's, Amazon, and other websites had slowdowns or blackouts during the peak sales period. And this year, the Walmart store website has already encountered problems.

How to survive the peak growth of the load on the site during sales — look in our article "Getting ready for Black Friday".

Another trouble with online sales is fake discounts. This is also true for large online stores (the leader here is the Chinese giant AliExpress), and smaller ones. This is expressed in the fact that before the sale day prices rise significantly, and then a "grandiose" discount is announced, but the cost of the product or service either remains the same or turns out to be even higher than before the promotion.

To the aid of lovers of online shopping come numerous services that allow you to track the history of price changes. You can also use the search engines and compare prices for similar goods or services on other sites. The search engine will help again to catch the unscrupulous seller who has raised up the price tag: thanks to the "saved copy" function, you can see the value of the product of interest on the site a few days before the sale begins.

We value our customers at, so our discounts are extremely fair. Try our special promotional codes that are valid for a limited time. Enjoy your shopping on this Cyber Monday!


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